Thursday, October 3, 2013

Week - 5 Landforms & play dough recipe

We started our land-form unit today.  The older students were challenged with a 25 word match game.  The younger students made land-form books.  These will be used to help the students create a diorama next week.  Dioramas will be 3 dimensional and will take a few classes to complete.  I'm including the recipe for the play dough the students need to make.

4 cups of flour
1 1/2 cups of salt
2 tbs oil (veg, canola, etc) anything really
1 cup warm water
food coloring

Mix the flour and salt in a large zip bag or bowl.(dry mix)

You can do this in one of 2 ways now.  In one big batch or 4 little batches.  That's up to you.
For one big batch: Add water, oil, and food coloring to a large bowl.  Then add dry ingredients to the bowl.  Stir until it's dry enough to handle with hands.  Finish forming into a ball and wrap in plastic or place in zip bag.
For 4 small batches: In 4 smaller bowls, add 1 tea of oil, 1/4 cup of warm water, and food coloring.  Now add one cup of dry mix to each small bowl.  Stir until it's dry enough to handle with hands.  Finish forming into a ball and wrap in plastic or place in small zip bag.

Here is a link to the recipe I used:

Sorry for the ad's on the video.

Mr. Dan and Miss Beth

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